Lauder Floral Embroidered Suede

Lauder Floral Embroidered Suede

by Sarah Agenlina

In my neighborhood, we have been experiencing very spring-like temperatures. As nice as this warm weather has been, it has really got me thinking how it isn’t quite winter and yet it isn’t quite spring. Welcome to the Goldilocks Zone. Personally, for me it’s difficult figuring out what color handbag I should carry during this medium. Anyone else? With the weather the way it is, black just seems too drab, conversely it isn’t spring yet so maybe a pastel color isn’t such a good idea. Luckily, a solution is still within our grasp. Gray handbags are still a hot item and, in this scenario, they seem to be a perfect fit. One piece that caught my eye though is the AERIN Floral Embroidered Suede Crossbody Bag. I think it would be perfect for this transitional period inbetween the winter to spring season.

It may just be me, but before today I didn’t realize Aerin Lauder did anything besides cosmetics and fragrances. I mean, yeah, she has her eponymous label (aside from Estee Lauder) but it is mostly beauty products. Apparently she does handbags and accessories as well. Who knew?! When I saw this particular handbag though, it was definitely love at first sight. I love the light gray color and cream flower embroidery. It’s all very simple and sweet. I also love that this bag is suede. It makes such a gorgeous handbag material!

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